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Rocket Games, a social gambling company based out of San Francisco, has been acquired by Penn National Gaming, the slot machine, video gaming machine, and casino company. Penn National says that it will pay $60 million in cash, as well as earn-outs ...

Datum: | Bron: TechCrunch

According to The Boston Globe, the Mashpee Wampanoag's planned $1 billion casino was targeted by a lawsuit from local property owners. A judge on Thursday ended up agreeing with their arguement that the federal government had no authority to acquire ...

Datum: | Bron:

Just because Macau's gambling industry is stabilizing doesn't mean the city's casino shares are worth buying. That's according to Pictet Asset Management, which says valuations are too high relative to earnings prospects. Diam Co., a Tokyo-based ...

Datum: | Bron: Bloomberg

Herman Brock Jr & The Brockettes waren met hun bluegrassmuziek te gast tijdens de kioskconcerten in het Casino-park in Sint-Niklaas. Bij momenten dook het strandgevoel op bij de bezoekers, die geboeid luisterden vanuit hun luie zetel of comfortabele ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

MACAU'S gambling revenue fell in July, stretching declines for a 26th straight month, as wealthy gamblers continued to steer clear of the world's biggest casino hub amid a protracted anti-corruption campaign by the Chinese mainland. Gambling revenue

Datum: | Bron: Shanghai Daily (subscription)

Blue Chip Hotel and Casino, 777 Blue Chip Drive, Michigan City, Ind., 219-879-7711; Aug. 5, Visions of Santana (6 p.m.); DJ Night (10 p.m., $5 cover); Crawpuppies (10:30 p.m.). Aug. 6, Classical Blast (1:30 p.m.); Jamrose (6 p.m

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Tribune

Tough times at home have Asian casino operators eyeing Europe in search of returns. “With China down, it's about finding revenue elsewhere,” Global Market Advisors managing partner Steve Gallaway says. But Europe is a much tougher market than Asia, ...

Datum: | Bron: Forbes

La transaction concerne l'entreprise Playtika, spécialisée dans les jeux de casino en ligne. Ceux-ci permettent de gagner de l'argent virtuel avec lequel des articles peuvent être achetés. Les jeux de Caesars impliquant de l'argent liquide et les

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Crime branch PI Vishwesh Karpe said, "In 2015, in the office of the director of Casino Pride at Hotel Majestic, Porvorim, the accused, with common intention, demanded advertisement of 25 lakh or sponsorships at Herald events from Casino Pride and

Datum: | Bron: Times of India

A Nov. 8 ballot referendum, if approved, would amend New Jersey's constitution to allow two casinos, one in each of two yet-undetermined counties at least 72 ...

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

To cope with an entire market crashing under his feet, billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn decided to change the rules of the game, or, more appropriately, of the games. "We changed the layout of the floor," Wynn said on a call with investors on Thursday.

Datum: | Bron: Business Insider

Middelkerke - Het nieuwe casino in Middelkerke moet een “landmark” worden aan de kust en dat is eraan te zien. De realisatie is gegund aan consortium BCS Investissement (Willemen)-Napoleon Games, dat de kosten zal dragen in een publiek-private ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

Wynn Resorts Ltd. fell Friday after saying a new $4.1 billion casino in Macau may be allotted about half of the baccarat tables analysts were expecting while betting at its current resort declined. Wynn, the casino operator founded by billionaire Steve

Datum: | Bron: Bloomberg

The company said its business in France returned to profit as its Geant, Casino and Leader Price banners all showed improvement over the period. Casino booked an €85 million trading profit in the first half of this year compared with a €53 million loss

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

Een 20-jarige man uit Tiel is veroordeeld voor het plegen van een gewapende overval op een casino in zijn woonplaats. Hij kreeg hiervoor een gevangenisstraf ...

Datum: | Bron: Rechtennieuws

ARNHEM - Voor de gewapende overval op casino The Big Apple heeft een 20-jarige man uit Tiel vandaag 3,5 jaar cel gekregen. De Tielenaar overviel het ...

Datum: | Bron: De Gelderlander

The Hippodrome Casino in London's Leicester Square has collaborated with Neteller so its customers can use their Neteller digital wallet to manage their fund within the casino. Deposits and withdrawals are to take place securely and in real time at the ...

Datum: | Bron:

"The state legislature wants to monitor the impact that the expansion of casino gambling is having on the state's population," said J. Kathleen Tracy, research director for the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling, which is overseeing the

Datum: | Bron: Baltimore Sun

Gaming shares rose on Tuesday after Macau casino operator Sands China reported — within its second quarter results — that revenues from the general public saw a return to positive year on year growth in June, the first month of growth in two years.

Datum: | Bron: South China Morning Post

SUBIC BAY FREEPORT—The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) on Monday (July 25) ordered the closure of a casino here for refusing to heed freeport rules on revenue-sharing arrangement. Frontier Wish International Ltd. (FWIL), operator of the ...

Datum: | Bron:

The chips seem to be falling into place for casino stocks, but investors keen on hitting the jackpot may need to take a step back. The biggest names in the business have seen their stocks surge in the past month or so. Las Vegas Sands has rallied

Datum: | Bron: CNBC

Panaji: The influential casino lobby will soon decide who Goa's future Chief Minister and ministers would be, opposition legislator Pandurang Madkaikar told the ...

Datum: | Bron: Firstpost

Inaugural Lui Che Woo Prize winners prove commitment to independence, doing good globally.

Datum: | Bron: Forbes

Het nieuwe casino in Middelkerke wordt als een golf op de dijk opgetrokken. Behalve de speelzaal omvat het gebouw zestig hotelkamers, een skybar, een restaurant en vergaderruimtes. Het nieuwe casino moet een blikvanger worden voor de hele kust. dji.

Datum: | Bron: De Standaard

De kustgemeente Middelkerke heeft haar plannen voorgesteld van het nieuwe casino op de uitsprong van de zeedijk. Het ontwerp van Buro II & Archi+I heeft de ...

Datum: | Bron: De Standaard