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Het kabinet heeft een nieuwe stap gezet om Holland Casino te privatiseren. Staatssecretaris Wiebes heeft een wetsvoorstel naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd waarin de verkoop wordt geregeld. Dat Holland Casino wordt geprivatiseerd, was al afgesproken in ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 18:24 | Bron: NOSHet kabinet heeft een nieuwe stap gezet richting privatisering van Holland Casino. Vandaag is een wetsvoorstel naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd dat regelt dat casinobezoekers ook na een privatisering beschermd blijven tegen kansspelverslaving, fraude en ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 15:45 | Bron: Rijksoverheid.nlWe have seen confidential documents and visited several casinos as part of an investigation into the way gaming duty arises on electronic roulette machines. We have established that it is possible for casino companies to shift income – and as a
Datum: 11-05-2016 12:52 | Bron: The Bureau of Investigative JournalismAn artist's impression of how the Adelaide Casino could look once SkyCity completes its $300 million redevelopment. Other aspects of the Plaza development include a 24-storey office tower and a two-storey complex of restaurants, luxury shops, cafes and ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 11:55 | Bron: The AdvertiserGreektown Casino-Hotel's April revenue rose 4.9 percent to $29.5 million. MGM has the largest market share at 41 percent, compared to 35 percent for MotorCity and 24 percent for Greektown. In April, the three casinos paid the state $9.9 million in
Datum: 10-05-2016 21:10 | Bron: Crain's Detroit BusinessSINGAPORE: Four men and a woman have been arrested for cheating at Marina Bay Sands casino. Cash amounting to about $118,000 was also seized, in the operation conducted on Monday (May 9) and Tuesday (May 10). The suspects are between the ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 19:13 | Bron: Channel News AsiaCLEVELAND, Ohio - Just after Horseshoe Cleveland Casino closed its doors for 40 hours at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday, Jack Cleveland Casino readied itself for its debut. Table covers and signs were changed, and workers began removing paper receipts from ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 17:58 | Bron: cleveland.comAnd while it is true that casinos always make a profit, there are a number of ways to cheat the system – some of which are actually perfectly legal. Half a century ago, mathematician Edward Thorp published a groundbreaking book outlining how a player
Datum: 10-05-2016 15:53 | Bron: The Conversation UKThe Democratic presidential candidate, who is hoping to win as many delegates as possible in New Jersey's June 7 primary election, criticized the “greed and recklessness” of casino owners who he said have attacked local workers' pension and health care ...
Datum: 09-05-2016 20:21 | Bron: Wall Street JournalThree years after Everett residents overwhelmingly backed a casino plan from Las Vegas developer Steve Wynn, city officials have issued a building permit to Wynn Resorts for a $2 billion casino and hotel complex on the Mystic River. “The people of
Datum: 09-05-2016 18:06 | Bron: The Boston GlobeDit jaar bestaat het Holland Casino 40 jaar. "Het is geweldig dat Holland Casino in het jubileumjaar dit evenement als gastheer mag optreden. En dat we twee serieuze titelkandidaten hebben maakt het alleen nog maar mooier. Ik hoop intens dat Nederland ...
Datum: 08-05-2016 16:15 | Bron: NU.nl“We would like to clarify that Momofuku is not opening a restaurant at the Crown Casino in Sydney. Momofuku is wholly dedicated to our restaurant Seiōbo, which opened at The Star Hotel and Casino in 2011.” Suggestions of any move are believed to have ...
Datum: 08-05-2016 11:20 | Bron: dailytelegraph.com.auSome guys have all the luck . . . Not content with winning the Premier League, Leicester's billionaire owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha promptly went out and made a cool £2.5 million at a local casino. The Thai duty free shops tycoon is understood to
Datum: 07-05-2016 09:43 | Bron: Telegraph.co.ukThe Raiders group will take its opposition to the Barr government's casino poker machines policy to its more than 50,000 members, and will consider advertising at Raiders' games. Raiders group general manager Simon Hawkins attacked Labor's ...
Datum: 07-05-2016 08:44 | Bron: The Canberra TimesHorseshoe Casino Cincinnati is poised to close in early June for a day or more as it completes its rebranding. State regulators did not have a timeline for the switch, but spelled out how involved the process is: changing everything inside and out with
Datum: 06-05-2016 20:41 | Bron: Cincinnati.comBut a statement from the resort released Thursday says it has received the necessary funds to complete the project by late 2016. The Lucky Dragon is looking to provide an authentic Asian cultural and gaming experience. The casino will feature table
Datum: 06-05-2016 19:33 | Bron: Honolulu Star-AdvertiserThe Canberra casino expects to submit a revised development bid, including 200 poker machines, within weeks, as clubs prepare to intensify their fight against the move. Also on Friday, it emerged the casino's sponsorship of the Brumbies could have been
Datum: 06-05-2016 15:48 | Bron: The Canberra TimesSoaring monthly revenue at Maryland's casinos topped $100 million for the first time in April, the Lottery and Gaming Control Agency said Thursday. The five casinos combined to reach $103.8 million, surpassing the previous monthly record of $98.9
Datum: 05-05-2016 23:31 | Bron: Baltimore SunCrown Resorts, the casino and hotels group controlled by Australian billionaire James Packer, has sold a US$800m stake in Melco Crown Entertainment as it seeks to limit its exposure to Macau, the Chinese gaming mecca, and pay down debt.
Datum: 05-05-2016 07:26 | Bron: Financial TimesA proposed $677 million casino for the Brockton Fairgrounds in Brockton, Mass. was rejected by the state Gaming Commission last week. The vote was 4-1 against the casino, which would have been built in the same Southeastern region as the $1 billion ...
Datum: 04-05-2016 18:55 | Bron: CardPlayer.comBig C, officieel “Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA”, werd voor 1 miljard verkocht aan Central Group, een Thaïs conglomeraat dat onder andere eigenaar is van het Berlijnse warenhuis KaDeWe. De Vietnamese activiteiten van de groep Casino omvatten 43 ...
Datum: 02-05-2016 11:22 | Bron: GondolaVanmiddag (zaterdag 30 april) zagen we dat het Casino een eigen ingang heeft gekregen en een bord boven de ingang. Prominent. Het lijkt bijna meer op een casino met een hotel dan op een hotel met een casino. In het hotel komt een vestiging van Jack's ...
Datum: 30-04-2016 19:22 | Bron: De OrkaanMorgenavond vanaf 20u brengt Get Wood Grown korte optredens van lokaal talent in een intieme setting in de schouwburg en in café Casino. Lokale Helden, het project van Poppunt in 2015, was de inspiratie voor Get Wood Grown. Het minifestival is ...
Datum: 29-04-2016 23:46 | Bron: Internetgazet"Dit omdat het gevonden geld geen eigendom is van het personeel". vertelt Charlie Slaager, medewerker van het Holland Casino Breda. Slaager is ook voorzitter van de onderdeel commissie, de commissie die zich jaarlijks bezighoudt met het uitkiezen van ...
Datum: 29-04-2016 14:48 | Bron: NU.nlHet geld dat gevonden wordt in casino's bestaat meestal uit muntgeld dat uit de zakken van de gasten valt. Wanneer medewerkers dit geld vinden mogen ze dit niet zelf houden. “Dit omdat het gevonden geld geen eigendom is van het personeel”, vertelt ...
Datum: 29-04-2016 13:29 | Bron: NU.nl