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Door: Glaasje prosecco met Bartjan; Holland Casino bezit over 4 etages meerdere grote bars naast één uitstekend restaurant. Foto: JvL. Ugc Image: 42PH-Casino@2f.JPG. Titel: Ugc Image: 42PH-Casino@2f.JPG. Paspoort in laten scannen en per persoon ...
Datum: 15-10-2015 10:39 | Bron: De Posthoorn (persbericht) (Blog)His plan calls for expanding Tioga Downs, a racetrack in the town of Nichols, N.Y., near the Pennsylvania border, into a full-fledged casino. It would include 1,000 slot machines, 50 blackjack and roulette tables as well as a 161-room hotel with six
Datum: 14-10-2015 22:07 | Bron: New York TimesIf the analysts are right, Macau casino stocks have another 18 per cent upside after rallying 25 per cent so far this month. FDC. by Kana Nishizawa. Stock analysts are turning bullish on Macau casinos at a record pace, betting that the worst is over
Datum: 14-10-2015 20:27 | Bron: The Australian Financial Review"La santé financière du casino est positive. Le loyer est payé à temps et à heure. Depuis que M. De Munck a repris le flambeau et a investi dans le capital, le bilan officiel est passé dans le vert alors qu'il avait toujours été dans le rouge avec des
Datum: 14-10-2015 17:18 | Bron: dh.beDe raad vreesde dat een casino gokverslaving in de hand zou werken. Daarnaast waren er zorgen over de aanzuigende werking van mensen buiten Vught en de drukte rondom het hotel. De oprichting van toezichthouder KSA (kansspelautoriteit) die illegale ...
Datum: 13-10-2015 17:51 | Bron: Brabants DagbladEven though it's building a new casino in Springfield, Mass., MGM Resorts International is engaged in a fight to compete for Connecticut's third casino, as two tribes operating their own casinos in the state have partnered to protect their revenues
Datum: 13-10-2015 17:09 | Bron: CardPlayer.comMacau casino shares rose in Hong Kong trading after a brokerage said gaming revenue was stronger than expected this month. MGM China Holdings Ltd. surged 6.9 percent to close at HK$11.42, the most intraday gain since July 9. Galaxy Entertainment ...
Datum: 13-10-2015 05:07 | Bron: BloombergHANCOCK COUNTY, W.Va.—Casinos have pumped more than $8 billion into the U.S. horse racing industry in the past two decades, propping up a sport beset by an eroding fan base, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. But market congestion from ...
Datum: 13-10-2015 01:28 | Bron: Wall Street JournalTentative deal struck to end lockout of casino and racetrack workers. Workers at Woodbine Racetrack, Sudbury Downs, and Casino Brantford could be back on the job as early as Tuesday night if union members vote ratify the agreement. They have been ...
Datum: 12-10-2015 21:22 | Bron: Toronto StarOnline gambling platform mBit Casino has listed user privacy as one of its top priorities. The Curacao-regulated betting website highlighted certain loopholes in the currency online gambling legislations that either promote state monopolies or simply
Datum: 12-10-2015 19:05 | Bron: newsBTCDepartment of Gaming Director Daniel Bergin is arguing that a 2002 ballot measure and subsequent compact giving the tribe casino gaming exclusivity didn't allow for a new casino where the tribe now wants one. He claims the tribe misled officials about
Datum: 12-10-2015 15:02 | Bron: CardPlayer.commBit Casino is known to be among the earliest online gambling platforms to have accepted Bitcoin as a sole method of payment and withdrawals. The reputably licensed platform aims to bring people a restriction-free gambling service, where they can
Datum: 11-10-2015 15:53 | Bron: newsBTCAn Afghanistan veteran soldier has become an overnight multimillionaire after winning more than £13.2 million on a 25p casino bet - and has vowed to spend the money on his sick father. Jon Heywood, 26, from Crewe, Cheshire, won the fortune after
Datum: 10-10-2015 12:53 | Bron: Daily Mail“We have wanted to expand our portfolio into the fast-growing live casino segment for some time,” Casumo chief executive and co-founder Oscar Simonsson said. “During this process we have looked into many different live casino providers both among ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 14:12 | Bron: iGaming BusinessELST/ ZETTEN - Na het CDA is nu ook D66 als 2e coalitiepartij in Overbetuwe tegen de vestiging van speelautomatenhallen in Elst en Zetten. Het idee om daar filialen van het Arnhemse casino Suikerland daar te vestigen is nu definitief van de baan.
Datum: 09-10-2015 11:16 | Bron: De GelderlanderHet eerste drankje en diverse hapjes zullen worden aangeboden door Holland Casino. De genodigden van ZZP Nederland (en hun eventuele introducé) krijgen gratis toegang tot het Casino en ontvangen tevens 15% korting bij het restaurant van het Holland ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 09:48 | Bron: ZZP Nederland (persbericht)HOOGEZAND - Twee personen hebben woensdagnacht een poging gedaan het casino aan de Kerklaan in Hoogezand te overvallen. De verdachten kwamen binnen via de toegangssluis en begonnen op de deur te bonzen. De medewerkers deden de ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 06:47 | Bron: Dagblad van het NoordenYear-over-year revenues for Northwest Indiana's five casinos were relatively flat in September, having received a boost from the Labor Day weekend but being hurt by having one less weekend than in the previous September. "September was pretty similar
Datum: 08-10-2015 23:12 | Bron: Chicago TribuneThe casino operator also asked the bankruptcy court to extend its control over its Chapter 11 restructuring to March 15, from the current expiration date of Nov. 15. Soon after the company unveiled the modified plan, a U.S. judge in Chicago ruled that
Datum: 08-10-2015 22:52 | Bron: ReutersAnderlechtspelers Steven Defour en Guillaume Gillet tekenden als fervente pokeraars present in het casino van Brussel, in het kader van de World Poker Tour. Na zijn uitschakeling in het toernooi stond Steven Defour onze Videoman kort te woord.
Datum: 08-10-2015 22:48 | Bron: Het Laatste NieuwsThe first casino in the far eastern gambling oasis billed as the next Macao has opened its doors to its first clients, the regional government said in a statement Thursday. The Tigre de Cristal casino, located in the Far East's Primorye special
Datum: 08-10-2015 21:44 | Bron: The Moscow Times (registration)The best-selling artist and father to Enrique Iglesias told the Barcelona newspaper La Vanguardia that he will no longer perform at Trump's casinos. “He seems to be an asshole,” Iglesias reportedly told the newspaper. He also called Trump a “clown
Datum: 08-10-2015 16:47 | Bron: FortuneEDMONTON – Alberta is preparing to roll out a program in casinos to help people who play games of chance to gamble more responsibly. The program, called GameSense, was developed in British Columbia and is also being used in Manitoba and ...
Datum: 07-10-2015 22:48 | Bron: Globalnews.caThe Sun Herald reports Chris Ferrara showed designs of Biloxi Pointe Casino he and his team of investors want to build off Eighth Street in East Biloxi Tuesday and described the amenities that are part of the $260 million resort. He said they plan a
Datum: 07-10-2015 22:31 | Bron: NOLA.comThe move comes as the Mashantucket Pequot tribe is pushing forward with a plan for a jointly-operated casino with the Mohegan tribe, in order to boost their collective gaming revenue that has fallen from $3.2 billion in 2006 to less than $2 billion in
Datum: 07-10-2015 20:54 | Bron: CardPlayer.com